1.When it comes to placebo, studies have found that a
capsule works better than a tablet, and a syringe works better than a capsule
(in terms of how successful the placebo effect is).
2. A placebo effect can work even when the individual is
aware that the substance they are taking is a placebo.
3. Humans can live longer without food than they can without
4. Even small noises can make your pupils dilate.
5. By age 60, you will have lost half of your taste buds.
6. If saliva cannot dissolve something, you cannot taste it.
7. Your brain and your stomach are in constant contact with
each other which is why some emotions affect our stomachs physically,
especially distress.
8. Since the existence of the internet, fewer people claim
to be religious.
10. Chewing gum helps your memory to receive a higher test
11. The color purple or more specifically ‘lavender’ creates
a soothing effect. It is also a great color to have for your bed spreads.
12. In one of Freud’s psychosexual stages, the phallic
stage, children become interested in their own genitalia, their parents, and
their friends. Accompanied with this stage is the term ‘penis envy’, this is
defined as the female child’s realization/resentment that they do not have a
13. Your Short Term Memory is an actual store in your brain,
although it has a much more limited capacity than expected- it lasts
approximately 20 seconds and can process five to nine things at one time.
14. red makes anyone more sexually attractive, but i learned
that wearing blue makes men especially more attractive to women.
15. Most human display hindsight bias, the tendency to claim
that they have predicted an outcome before the event occurred.
16. Almost 70,000 thoughts a day hit the average human mind.
17. On average it takes 66 days to form a habit.
18. If someone makes eye contact with you for 60% of a
conversation they’re bored, 80% and they’re attracted to you and 100% of the
time then they are threatening you.
19. Excessive stress can alter brain cells, structure and
20. Descriptive words used on questions eye witnesses are
asked after seeing an event can effect how they remember the event later on. In
other words influence what people remember.
21. The sense of falling involved in a dream actually comes
from the brain falling asleep too fast and assuming it is dying. The sensation
is essentially the brain giving itself an AED.
22. If you fake a smile, even when you’re in a bad mood,
that smile will help you feel better and therefore make you happy.
23. Men are attracted to women with clear skin, bright big
eyes, rosy lips, and lustrous hair because they are indicators of health and an
optimal partner for reproduction.
24. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is not just being a
germiphobe. The disorder is obsessive unwanted thoughts and associations of
unconnected events.
25. When you yawn and someone else yawns right after it
means they were watching you and\or are attracted to you.
26. It is a myth that
humans can only use 10% of their brain at any given point. We can actually
utilize somewhere around 35% at once.
27. When focusing hard on a task, the human brain will
completely block out other things going on, even if it’s right in front of them.
It’s called selective attention.
28. Brains in some individuals produce more chemicals
compared to others; this is why some people are considered more emotional than
29. Intelligence is partially based on genetics.
30. Though the placebo effect may trick people into thinking
they are becoming healthier, it can also harm them in the sense that once they
begin taking medications for things that don’t need it, they develop a
resistance to that medication so that when they need it, it no longer works.
31. According Furnham & Chamoro-Premuzic (2004), certain
personality traits can be significant predictors of a person’s academic
average. In fact, conscientious introverts who are not very open minded tend to
have an higher average in stats than others.
32. Our reflex reactions aren’t controlled by the brain but
by the spinal cord. Nerves that run up and down the spine control what the body
does when in need of an instantaneous, lightning fast action like pulling away
from something too hot.
33. Smells of family members are similar. This is why the
average person does not find family members to be attractive; it’s nature’s way
of decreasing genetic mutations.
34. Besides being sexually appealing, red is also an
aggressive color that causes people to appear more intimidating.
35. There is no sense of pain within the brain itself. This
fact allows neurosurgeons to probe areas of the brain while the patient is
awake. Feedback from the patient during these probes is useful for identifying
important regions, such as those for speech, that are spared if possible.